If you have any queries please contact the Tournament Office at draw@mailgolf.co.uk, or call 0207 384 3757
It is recommended that you take a copy of the Rules and Conditions to each of your round matches, in case of any queries. A pdf version is available to download off our Rules and Timetable page.
During the early months of the year we always have winter conditions in place. Is this acceptable?
It is up to the club drawn at home to ensure that the course is in the best possible condition to play a fair and proper match. We appreciate that in the early months of the year it is often the case that some winter conditions will be in play; if so the captain of the home club should make the opposition aware of these prior to day of the match. The following winter conditions are unacceptable:
a) Carrying a piece of Astroturf mat around and playing from it.
b) Dropping off the fairway in the semi rough or rough (up to three fairways is acceptable if it is for course maintenance purposes).
c) Teeing up the ball in the fairway (up to three fairways is acceptable if it is for course maintenance purposes).
If the home course has any of the above winter conditions in place on the date set for of the match then the away club would be entitled to claim home advantage as long as there are NONE of them in place at their course. If the away course has ANY of the above winter conditions then the match must remain as drawn.
The home course has a trolley ban. Can the away course claim home advantage?
No. A club does not lose home advantage if there is a trolley ban. The Daily Mail Foursomes permits the use of caddies and it is recommended that one is used if a player is unable to carry his/her own clubs.
Are bucket holes acceptable?
No. Even if some temporary greens are in use the hole MUST be regulation size.
During the winter months we play off a fairway mat that we carry around, can we still elect to do this even if our club lifts the rule for the visiting team in order to retain home advantage?
At the moment all (or many) of our bunkers are out of play and classified as GUR, can we still host a match?
No. The match should switch to the away course as long as it has none of the un acceptable conditions listed above.
We currently have a number of holes closed. Can we still play the match on our course?
Yes, but as matches must be played over 18 holes, you will need to choose the requisite number of replacement holes to play twice in the event of the tie going the full distance. You MUST agree all of this with your opponents before the date of the match and you will need to produce a scorecard with stroke indices in the appropriate order. The normal Slope Rating assigned to the full 18 hole course should be used for the purpose of calculating Course Handicaps.
Is there an age limit?
Yes. Players must be 18 or over on 1st January of the year in which the competition takes place in order to participate.
Are 5-day members eligible to play?
Yes. However bear in mind that many matches, particularly in the early rounds are played at weekends which may be a problem if you are drawn at home and select 5-day members.
Is there a fee to enter the competition?
There is no entry fee for the Tournament, but courtesy of the course must be extended to visiting competitors when the match is played.
Is a player who is a member of more than one club permitted to represent one of them even if it is not their home club?
Yes. However players with multiple memberships can only play for one club in the same year.
We usually hold a qualifying competition, however this year we haven’t been able to. What do we do?
Where it has not been possible to arrange a qualifying competition, a Club may nominate a pair to represent it in the tournament.
We have had to re-schedule our qualifying competition and this now means we will not have a winning pair in time for the entry deadline. What should we do?
Register your entry on time and we will send the initial draw to the Club. It will then be up to the Secretary to pass on the first round details to the qualifiers as soon as the competition has been played. If it is not possible to play a qualifying event within two weeks of the entry deadline the Club should nominate a pair to represent it in the tournament.
Can we elect to play all of our matches away?
No. It is a condition of entry that clubs must be able to host matches if drawn at home.
One of our winning pair has a 4-week holiday planned that effectively rules them out for the entire period allotted to play one of the rounds. Can anything be done about this?
Not really. As no extensions to the playing times for rounds can be considered it would be best for the Club to put forward a replacement at the start of the competition. No player substitutions are permitted after the first round match has been played.
One of our players has sustained an injury mid-tournament and is unable to play a match. What can we do?
No player substitutions are permitted. If a player is unable to play due to injury or illness their club will have to withdraw from the tournament.
We have contacted our opponents and they can only play at weekends, whereas we play all of our golf during the week. What happens in such circumstances?
In the early rounds, when it is not possible to play evening golf, the vast majority of matches take place at weekends and therefore it is essential that at least one weekend date is offered.
In trying to arrange our match I have given numerous dates but our opponents can only play on the last weekend. What will happen if the weather prevents us playing on that date?
Whilst it is both desirable and advisable to give as many dates as possible, the objective is to find a date that is suitable for both clubs. If a match is not played on or before the last weekend the Tournament Director will decide, on the basis of availability which team will go through to the next round. No match extensions will be allowed.
Must matches be played off Medal Tees?
Whenever possible matches should be played off Medal Tees.
What is regarded as reasonable speed of play?
Players must play without undue delay at all times and the recommended time allowed for a player to make his or her shot is within 45 seconds of when it is their turn to play.
How do you calculate handicaps in Foursomes Match play?
In the Daily Mail Foursomes there are maximum Handicap Indexes of 18.0 for men and 25.0 for women. Players with higher Handicap Indexes may take part but can only use a maximum of 18.0 for men and 25.0 for women as a basis for calculating their Course Handicaps to be used in matches. Each player should then calculate their Course Handicap (CH) by applying any slope rating adjustments based on the course and tees being played. Once the Course Handicaps (CH) have been agreed, it is 50 per cent of the difference between each team's combined CH, rounding up where applicable (i.e. 5 1/2 difference is 6 shots).
I didn't receive my draw email.
The Mailgolf team make every effort to send draw emails to the Club contact as quickly and accurately as possible. Due to email addresses being defended more fiercely by servers and Spam filters, it is now harder to ensure that the emails are delivered.
To improve delivery this year we have used a specialist mail send agency for the thousands of emails in Round one. We contact every bounced email we see. We are not advised by receiving servers of quarantined emails.
As the Team contact, please check your Spam folder on the day of the draw and view the draw on the website as soon as it is posted online. Call the office if you do not receive your draw email on the advertised draw day. 0207 384 3757